The model gives his or her time, “look”, and image. The photographer gives his or her time and talent as a photographer. The contract clauses are reduced to a minimum, to make for a simple and clear document explaining the photographer’s and the model’s rights when a photo session is organized without any payment being required from either one of the parties. This contract template was developed with the TFP/TFCD (Time for Print/Time for CD) sessions in mind.
An explanation of the reason for the presence of certain clauses in plain English.Which can be integrated into your submission or billing systems. A fully customizable Word version of each contract.A ready to use PDF version of each contract.Read, modified and approved by a business lawyer. Indeed, a commercial contract, worth several thousands of dollars, requires more detailed clauses than a simple family portrait contract.
From a commercial contract to a simple family portrait contract. Seven templates for as many different types of contracts offered both in French and English.